
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is at it again.  After being unsuccessful in 2012, it has now issued a Notice ofProposed Rulemaking which will put into effect the so-called“quickie union election”, effective April 14, 2015.

Some have termed this the“ambush rule”.  That’s because it gives employers so little time to combat and offset the union’s clandestine pitch about what will do for employees.

  • The effect will be to improve greatly the odds of unions winning election.
  • Knowledgeable observers have no doubts that this was part of the Obama administration’s agenda in its stacking the Board with pro-union extremists.

obamaThe new provisions will dramatically reduce the time from when a union certification petition is filed with the NLRB to when employees vote.

  • The proposed rule removes certain “mandatory” time periods, so there is no “minimum date” by which to hold an election. Instead, elections will be set for the “earliest date practicable”.

arrow-bulletIt is anticipated that the current NLRB target of around 40 days will be reduced to less than 20 days.

The best approach to maintaining union-free status is by “treating employees right”–with the proper intention (that is, because treating employees well is the right thing). However, doing so does not guarantee your organization will not become a target by union organizers.

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Take proactive steps to avoid being caught off guard by union organizing. These steps include:

Take proactive steps to avoid being caught off guard by union organizing. These steps include:

  1. Training front-line supervisors and managers to recognize and deal with troublesome workplace issues and/or signs of union organizing at the earliest possible time
  2. Having an employee information and education plan in place

Trinity’s Team has the experience and expertise to ensure your:

  • Employees are being “treated right”
  • Supervisors and managers are properly trained in employee relations
  • Readiness in the event of a union ambush

To learn more, e mail Trinity at or visit our website at

Posted in Employee & Labor Relations